Industry databases, a digital solution for distribution

In an increasingly competitive business environment, the digitisation of product information is essential to ensure efficient management and optimise internal processes. Industry databases offer an innovative solution for centralising and organising all relevant product data in a standardised way, thus facilitating access and management. CHAVESBAO, as a distributor of fasteners and welding, offers this automated distribution to the DIY, hardware, construction and industrial supply sectors.

What are industry databases?

The industry databases are digital repositories that bring together in a single space and in a standardised way all the product information of different brands. This information, which includes technical characteristics, images, product data sheets, certifications, etc., is made available to distributors through an automated connection with the manufacturers’ platforms.

The industry databases act as a digital bridge between manufacturers and distributors, facilitating the exchange of product information quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of using industry databases

By integrating an industry data base into the system, multiple benefits are achieved:

  • Unified and up-to-date information: all product information will be centralised in one place and updated automatically, eliminating the need to manage multiple data sources.

  • Efficient management: the processes of creating and updating catalogues will be significantly simplified, saving time and resources.

  • Customisation: industry data bases allow product information to be tailored to the specific needs of each distributor, creating personalised catalogues and improving the end-user experience.

  • Increased accuracy: by reducing manual errors in data management, greater accuracy in the information provided to customers is guaranteed.

  • Integration with other systems: industry data bases can be easily integrated with other business management systems, such as ERP or eCommerce, optimising workflows.

  • Improved customer experience: by having complete and up-to-date product information, CHAVESBAO will be able to offer its customers a better experience, with detailed descriptions, high quality images and accurate technical specifications.

How does an industry data base work?

  1. Integration: a direct connection is established between the CHAVESBAO platform and the industry data base.

  2. Centralisation: all product information is stored in a single centralised repository.

  3. Standardisation: the data is structured according to a standard format, which facilitates its search and comparison.

  4. Distribution: information is distributed to authorised distributors via customised interfaces and download repositories.

The industry databases offer an innovative solution to optimise product management and improve the efficiency of the internal processes of distributors in the hardware, DIY and industrial supply sector. By centralising and standardising product information, CHAVESBAO can offer a better service to our customers so that they can gain competitiveness in the market.

Find out about the industry databases in which we are currently present.

Do you need more information?

CHAVES BILBAO, S.L. informs you that the personal data provided voluntarily on this website, the purpose, intended transfers and other circumstances of which are communicated when the personal data is collected, may, depending on the specific case, have any of the following purposes: responding to your request, complaint or question, maintaining the established relationship, the comprehensive and commercial management of customers, accounting and invoicing or sending of communications of news and activities related with CHAVES BILBAO, S.L., including by electronic means. The data included in our files is absolutely confidential and will be processed with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with all the requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the 27th of April 2016. The data is registered in our files for the time necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. The period during which the personal data will be kept will be that established by current legislation and always during the period of the provision of the service for which it was provided. We do not recommend sending personal data that is classified as highly confidential by data protection legislation, such as that related to health, as it is not sent coded or encrypted. Therefore, if you send this type of data, it will be at your own risk. The user may at any time exercise their rights to access, rectify, oppose, cancel, limit processing or request its portability in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the 27th of April 2016, sending a letter along with a photocopy of their DNI identity document, to CHAVES BILBAO, S.L. C/Bizkargi, 6 Polígono Industrial Sarrikola 48195 Larrabetzu - Bizkaia - Spain, or using the email address
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